Why Your Retail Storefront Needs a Roll Up Door

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As the owner or manager of a retail store, your building's security is likely always at the front of your mind. But if your storefront only has a sliding glass door or some other common retail solution, you might not be providing your business with as much protection as you could. Today, more and more business owners are choosing to install a roll up door that can be pulled down in front of their storefront door. Here's how calling a storefront door installation expert about adding a roll up door to your storefront could benefit your business.

Additional Security From Theft

If your storefront door is made of glass, you could be making yourself an easy target for theft. It doesn't take much effort at all to smash through glass to gain access to a building. Yes, you might have an alarm system installed, but if someone just wants to smash and grab quickly, they might be able to get in and out before the authorities arrive. When you install a commercial roll up door in front of your standard glass storefront door, you will be creating an additional barrier that is much harder to get through. Most thieves will take one look at a heavy roll up door and decide to move on to another target.

Additional Protection From the Weather

Is your store located in an area that sometimes sees hurricanes, tornadoes, or other bad storms roll through? If so, your glass storefront door likely isn't going to get the job done when it comes to standing up to Mother Nature. But some roll up doors today are built to be especially sturdy. A roll up door will shield the glass door behind it from the wind and other inclement weather. A flying object that gets picked up by the wind will just clang off your roll up door and fall to the ground instead of smashing into the glass door behind it. Adding a roll up door could also get your hurricane or tornado insurance provider to consider reducing your premium as you will now be a lower risk.

Protection From Looting

If your business is located in a bad area that has sometimes been known to have looters during a crisis or emergency situation, a roll up door will protect your business from harm. A roll up door that comes down across your entire storefront will make it much harder for anyone to smash their way inside.

Contact a roll up door installation service today for more information
